Hello and welcome to my website. It is with mixed feeling that I share with you that I am transitioning from Corona to Santa Cruz California. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here in SoCal by supporting so many of you in your journey, but it is time to go back home and start a new season of life. You may be happy to know that I am still accepting clients through April 15th, 2014.

Starting on April 16th however, I will be  counseling in my new location up North. Please stick close to my website so you will know how things progress.  If you have any questions or comments, feel free to message me through facebook or connect with me on linkedin through the icons below. I hope we can stay connected.

Thank you very much.

 Supervised by:
Marla Maynard
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
MFC 86476
888. 624.6999 ext. 1
Dennis A. Patton
Marriage and Family Therapist Intern
Registration:  71734
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Q. Dennis, what is the most common problems

     you find as you counsel with couples.

A. The most common problem I find in




Q. Dennis, why do people need clarity in their life.

A.  Clarity is the difference between living in a healthy environment or a toxic, unhealthy environment.


Q. What are some steps to break addictions

A. The primary step to breaking addiction is…


Q. Dennis, what can you tell us about anger management

Okay, anger management is most common among people who…




A monogamous relationship is the ultimate human friendship that draws people into growth and maturity. Unfortunately these relationships are peppered with conflict, especially early on in the formative years.  Fortunately, it is through these conflicts, and through these conflicts alone, that true intimacy and relational fulfillment is attained. Reaching this fulfillment is not for the faint of heart as it takes a commitment to confront self, take personal responsibility and learn the individual contributors that lead to gridlock. This process can lead to acquiring tools needed to effectively engage your partner to get your needs met.



Current research suggests that America is experiencing an unprecedented breakdown of the family system. This can be easily identified by the gross absence of fathers in the home, children out of wedlock, and mothers left with the challenge to play the roles of both mother and father.  This phenomenon, often perpetuated in media, is where grown men behave like children laboring to make the world revolve around him, therefore never attaining maturity. This type of society increasingly generates confusion that impacts ones career, marriage, relationships, peace, fulfillment and resumes this influence into the next generation through their own children.  Treatment for this is attainable, but through difficult work of self reflection and exploration of ones own family system.



Addictions are prevalent in society today and are found in every walk of life. In fact, I believe that more often than not, all people are or have suffered from one life controlling behavior or another. Some of the most widespread addictions in our society today are alcoholism, narcotics dependence, nicotine addiction, etc.  The fascinating part of addictions is that they stretch far beyond the use of substances.  There are people who are unhealthily dependent on work, seven nights of softball on seven nights a week, religious addictions, and dependence of all sorts in various types of relationships. Whatever the case, addictive behaviors are exhausting, painful and may be terminal,  leading to jail and/or death.  My addiction counseling services provide psycho-education to gain a better understanding of your life.  You will better understand your environment that allows unhealthy behaviors, why your life got so difficult, and how to recover a life free from addiction.

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